What is the purpose of the blank solution in a Beers Law experiment?

Publish date: 2024-08-11

?The purpose of using a blank is to calibrate the spectrophotometer to zeroabsorbance.Click to see full answer. Regarding this, what is the purpose of the blank solution in this experiment?The ‘blank’ allows you to set the spectrophotometer to zero before you measure your ‘unknown’ solution. The ‘blank’ solution will contain everything that the ‘unknown’ solution (the one you want to measure) except for the think you wish to measure. what is the purpose of doing a Beer’s Law plot? The law states that the concentration of a chemical is directly proportional to the absorbance of a solution. The relation may be used to determine the concentration of a chemical species in a solution using a colorimeter or spectrophotometer. The relation is most often used in UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Accordingly, what is the purpose of a reagent blank in spectrophotometry? A reagent blank is a test sample that has undergone all the same treatment as your challenge sample but without the addition of a test sample. It is to verify that any positive response to your test sample is a result of the test sample itself and not any testing conditions including contaminated solvents or glassware.What should the blank for the colorimeter consist of?A colorimeter is a relatively simple scientific device consisting of a light source, sample holder (normally a cuvette or test tube), light intensity sensor and means of controlling the light source and integrating transmitted light intensity.
