Who is Shane Lowry brother Alan Lowry? Wiki, age, height, golfer, wife, children, net worth

Publish date: 2024-07-25

Alan 1

Alan D. Lowry is a former National Football League and college football coach, best known as a Music City Miracle architect. He has coached several teams, counting over 25 years, winning one Super Bowl and then moving on to the next.

Who is Shane Lowry’s brother Alan Lowry?

Ala D. Lowry is the brother of the famous Golfer, Shane Lowry. Alan attended Irving High School where he graduated in 1969 as the QB of the Irving Tigers. Alan played football at the University of Texas, where he won a national championship, and three club competitions were named with the All-Conference team twice in two different positions and were named the 1973 Cotton Bowl Offensive MVP.

Lowry has been with the Dallas Cowboys for nine seasons, from 1982 to 1990. He originally joined the Cowboys in 1982 as their special team’s coach before shifting to receivers in 1988. Lowry comes from Miami, Oklahoma but grew up in Irving, Texas. Alan is currently living in Franklin, Tennessee.  He is a married man and his wife’s name is given as Donna. The couple has two children who are both females. The firstborn is called Marta and she is 31 years old and the second is called Lindsay who is 27. Alan lives in Franklin with his wife and children.
