Evan Birnholzs guide to the Sept. 25 Post Magazine crossword, Show Stoppers

Publish date: 2024-08-20

Another year of life, another year of puzzles. I turned 33 today, and I hope I’m still puzzling strong at 34. Here’s to another good year, and many more.

Today’s crossword has a tricky theme, and it has a metapuzzle in it that hides a unique answer, but hopefully the answer becomes apparent once you see how the theme works. So let’s check it out.

The instructions ask solvers the following question: “Which popular TV show is spelled out in this challenging puzzle?” Initially, there doesn’t appear to be much theme material outside of these two cross-referenced TV-related phrases:

The real challenge comes in when you notice that several Across answers don’t appear to fit their clues. And that’s where the answer to the meta can be found. The last letters of these Across answers — one in each row not containing those two cross-referenced TV phrases — are cut off:


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The missing letters, in order, spell out ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. I’m slightly ashamed to say that I’ve watched maybe just 60 to 70 percent of this show’s episodes; I missed most of Season 3 but watched the whole Netflix-based fourth season. I need to get Season 3 under my belt, since I laugh uproariously every time I watch the show. In any case, that’s our meta answer.

This was one of the toughest constructing challenges I’ve ever taken on. I knew beforehand that I wanted all the relevant answers to produce legitimate words when their last letters were removed. Ideally, these words would be markedly different after eliminating the last letter. But fitting in 19 of them — one in each row that didn’t contain SERIES / FINALE and WE INTERRUPT / THIS PROGRAM — gave me fits. It was fortunate that most of my cut-off letters were reasonably common and that I could stack several of the key words on top of each other on the left side, from SLOB(S) to SINGLE(D). Filling the grid, though, took way longer than I had anticipated. Some of those cut-off letters didn’t leave me many good options; there just aren’t many words ending with V that produce another real word when you remove the V besides the names of old popes or Russian czars. And that word with the missing M? It had to be a 6- or 7-letter word without the final M and fit right beneath THIS PROGRAM and FINALE. Yeesh.

Still, I was pretty happy with how this one came out of the oven. It’s my birthday, so I figured, go big or go home.


Other notable answers and clues:

On the next episode of the Washington Post Magazine crossword, Tobias realizes that some phrases shouldn’t be parsed incorrectly. Or maybe he doesn’t. See you next week!

**Special thanks to Chris Adams, Erik Agard, Jim Bumgardner, Austin Burns, Eric LeVasseur, Bruce Ryan, and Adam Wilkins for test-solving this puzzle, and to my copy editor Jenny Abella for her thorough fact-checking and proofreading of clues.**
