Who is Bert Fields wife Amy Markson? Bio, age, profession, children, net worth

Publish date: 2024-07-09

Bertram Fields was an American lawyer noted for his work in the field of entertainment law. Bertram Fields was born on March 31, 1929. He represented many of the leading film studios, as well as numerous celebrities, and has lectured at both Stanford and Harvard Law Schools. Fields was also a musician and an author of both fiction and non-fiction books.

In 2021 Fields published the book Summing Up: A Professional Memoir, recounting his long career as an attorney. His insider’s look into the world of the famous is sometimes artfully revealing. For example, Fields was already one of Michael Jackson’s lawyers when the singer was accused of sexually abusing a child; he resigned due to what he saw as Elizabeth Taylor’s interference.

There is much to discuss about the legend who lost his life on August &, 2022, at 93, however, let’s dive a bit into the life of his first wife, Amy Markson.

Who is Bert Fields’ wife Amy Markson?

Amy Markson is the first wife of legendary author, attorney, musician, actor, and teacher Bert Fields. As of now, her exact date of birth and age of Amy is not known to the public, however, she is believed to be born in the early 1930s.

Amy attended the University of California, Los Angeles, where she met her husband Bert, however, her profession after school has not been revealed.

Amy was married to Bert and they have a son called James Elder Fields in 1955, however her marriage with Bert did not last long, they got divorced before Bert got married again in 1960.

As of now, Amy’s net worth is not yet in the public domain, however, it must be noted that she is financially stable and doing well.
